He also kidnaps the other thug, who’s now out of jail, and videotapes himself in a welder’s helmet as he dismembers the guy alive (only the amputation of the man’s leg in a long, obscured shot and his corpse are actually shown). Unknown to everyone, however, Clyde has rigged the lethal injection to make sure the murderer suffer the most pain possible. Ten years later, the other thug faces execution. Clyde objects vehemently to this deal, but Nick goes ahead with it. Hotshot prosecutor Nick Rice, played by Jamie Foxx, doesn’t want to risk his conviction rate, so he decides to make a deal with the thug who may have murdered Clyde’s daughter in order to ensure the death sentence for the other criminal. One of the thugs apparently murders Clyde’s young daughter, and his wife is also murdered.
The movie opens with the family of Clyde Shelton, played by Gerard Butler, being attacked by two thugs invading their home. justice system, but it contains graphic violence and strong foul language, so extreme caution is warranted. LAW ABIDING CITIZEN is a riveting, tense thriller that has some provocative messages about the U.S. (BBB, LLL, VVV, N, A, MM) Very strong moral worldview asks provocative questions about crime and punishment, justice, and righting wrongs about 58 mostly strong obscenities (mostly “f” words), five strong profanities referencing Jesus, and one light profanity some extreme violence with blood includes two thugs invade home and incapacitate parents of little girl, woman’s head banged against an object, vaguely implied rape and murder of little girl and her mother, man saws off bound murderer’s leg and tells him he intends to cut off the rest of his limbs and castrate him, clothed bloody corpse shown in medium shot with no limbs or head, convicted murderer experiences great deal of pain and agony during his lethal injection, man buried alive to death, cars explode with people in them, woman trapped in car about to explode, woman shot in head, mechanical machine gun rips into car with people in it, man bloodily stabs man to death, and it is implied man is consumed by fire bomb no sex scenes though criminal is with a scantily clad woman in an apartment partial rear female nudity of woman lying around in an apartment, rear male nudity in one scene, and upper male nudity in one scene alcohol use no smoking and, revenge and prosecutor plea bargains with a vicious murderer in order to get a conviction of his partner. MOVIEGUIDE® therefore advises extreme caution. Regrettably, the movie has plenty of graphic violence, both implied and shown, and plenty of strong foul language. Happily, LAW ABIDING CITIZEN has no explicit sex or nudity. As such, it examines the conflict between expediency and the meaning of true justice. Ultimately, LAW ABIDING CITIZEN has a strong moral worldview that shines a light on the U.S. Nick is only able to stop Clyde’s murderous revenge when he absorbs that lesson. The lesson imparted by this movie is, Don’t make deals with murderers. After several deaths, Nick and the police race to stop Clyde from killing more people. Ten years later, with the other criminal facing execution, Clyde goes on a violent rampage against the two criminals, their defense attorney and the whole justice system. Foxx is the prosecutor, who agrees to make a deal with the thug who may have murdered Clyde’s daughter in order to ensure the death sentence for his partner. Butler plays Clyde, a man whose wife and daughter were murdered by two vicious thugs. LAW ABIDING CITIZEN is a riveting, provocative thriller starring Jamie Foxx and Gerard Butler.